Substance use is a significant and growing issue, and the culture of use is evolving
It is essential a coordinated approach is taken to tackle alcohol and drug issues across NI – a key role of NIADA is to encourage and support government and decision makers to implement our key recommendations, thus improving the quality of life for individuals, families and communities.
An effective Alcohol & Drug strategy
Northern Ireland requires an up-to-date and effective strategy, including review and development of treatment pathways, and collaboration with the voluntary sector to best meet local needs.
We want a strategy to contain:
- No wrong doors – make every contact count
- Review of referral and treatment pathways to all services
- Clear responsibility for sharing of relevant information
- Early intervention and prevention
- Evidence based policy solutions:
Informing conversations about substance use
Our culture is evolving, and we need to talk about how best to support our service users – even if those conversations may be uncomfortable for decision makers.
We want to talk about:
- Public health campaigns in partnership with voluntary sector
- Agree and promote Key Messages for media
- Provide a cohesive voice for members
- Advocate and influence policy, practice and service delivery
- Campaign for the voluntary and community sector to be involved in the development, design and delivery of the drug and alcohol services
Alternative forms of funding for services
In a climate of austerity, new ways of funding services are needed.
We want to utilise:
- Proceeds of minimum unit pricing (as part of a suite of tools)
- Proceeds of asset recovery – ring-fenced from drug and alcohol crime