NIADA Research Opportunity

Posted On: 2 November 2021

NIADA seek to commission a Consultant/Researcher to follow up on 2 initial short survey’s undertaken in 2020.

  • The first initial survey looked at how Covid-19 impacted on service user’s behaviours and experiences with alcohol and/or drug use during lockdown.   A further snapshot and a deeper analysis are now required to gain a greater understanding of how Covid-19 has impacted on experiences, behaviours, and trends, nearly a year down the line.  An evaluation of the implications of this on service user’s needs and subsequent future service delivery is essential.
  • The second piece should follow on from a scoping exercise based on Alcohol and Drug use in the Workforce in Northern Ireland.   This research project should target employers/employees across all sectors and develop an implementation plan of potential service delivery to include a communication strategy.

Please see the attached documents for further details on both research opportunities.

Tender Brief – Service User Experience During Lockdown

Tender Brief – Alcohol & Drug Use in the Workplace